


  • 토플 라이팅 템플릿 (통합형)
    토플이란(TOEFL) 2019. 5. 30. 11:41




    제가 직접 사용한 통합형 라이팅 템플릿 입니다.

    독학하시는 분들을 위해 올려드립니다.

    사실 시중에 나와있거나 인터넷상에 돌아다니는 템플릿은 엄청 많아요!

     그 중에 자신이 쓰기 편한 템플릿 찾아서 하시는 것이 좋은데,

    저도 여러개 써보다가 인터넷에서 발견하고 이 템플릿으로 good 계속 나왔어요~! 

    하지만, 리딩 패러프레이징과 리스닝은 잘 들으셔야 점수가 잘 나오니깐 열심히 공부하셔야 됩니다 ㅜㅜ 





    The reading and the lecture are both about 주제 

    The author of the reading presents three possible explanations for this phenomenon( or type).

    The lecturer states that the points in the passage have flaws.

    She thinks that none of the theories are supported by facts and evidence.


    First of all, the author claims that 리딩 주장 1 

    It is noted that 리딩 추가 주장 

    This point is challenged by the lecture's claim.

    She says that 리스닝 주장 1

    Furthermore, she points out that 리스닝 추가 주장  


    Secondly, in the article it is mentioned that 리딩 주장 2

    The article argues that 리딩 추가 주장 

    The argument is rebutted by the lecture.

    She suggests that 리스닝 주장 2

    She elaborates on this by mentioning that 리스닝 추가 주장  


    Finally, the author mentions that 리딩 주장 3

    The author's opinion is that 리딩 추가 주장 

    The lecture, on the other hand, feels that 리스닝 주장 3

    She puts forth the idea that 리스닝 추가 주장 




    통합형 라이팅 작성시 주의하셔야 할 점은 왼쪽 화면에 리딩이 20분 동안 떠있는데,

    이걸 그대로 가져다가 쓰시면 낮은 fair 나와요 (제가 해봄)

    반드시 패러프레이징 꼭 하셔서 리딩은 요점 정리 해서 쓰셔야 합니다.

    하지만 리스닝은 들은 그대로 쓰셔도 괜찮아요! 


    고득점자가 아닌,

    이제 시작하시는 분들이라면

    토플 템플릿만 외우기 보다는, 

    이미 완성되어 있는 토플 답안 샘플을 통으로 외워보시는 것도 추천합니다.

    머릿속에 이런식으로 정리해야 하는구나, 이런 것들을 자연스럽게 들어와요!




    <sample essay>


    The reading and the lecture are both about why animals that existed in the "early earth" period were larger than animals today. The author of the reading presents three possible explanations for this phenomenon( or type). The lecturer states that the points in the passage have flaws. She thinks that none of the theories are supported by facts and evidence.


    First of all, the author claims that animals were larger because the early earth had a greater supply of oxygen. It is noted that high oxygen levels stimulate growth in certain species. This point is challenged by the lecture's claim. She says that the atmosphere of the early earth was full of poisonous gasses which made it difficult for animals to breathe. Furthermore, she points out that oxygen levels were not higher than they are today. 


    Secondly, in the article it is mentioned that animals that existed in the early earth period grew large as a result of having access to abundant plant life to feed on. The article argues that animals grew large becuase they consumed high levels of nutrients and that they passed down their size to succeeding generations. The argument is rebutted by the lecture. She suggests that plant life was in fact abundant, but that it was mostly low in nutrients. She elaborates on this by mentioning that this is because plants rely on carbon dioxide to grow strong, but they did not have much carbon dioxide during the period.


    Finally, the author mentions that warm climates caused animals in this period to grow large. The author's opinion is that because they did not have to use energy to stay warm, they were able to channel it into growing larger bodies. The lecture, on the other hand, feels that in today's ear warm climates are mostly known for having small animals. She puts forth the idea that massive bodies are disadvantageous in warm climates. 


    오늘도 힘내세요!!! 

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